Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > ServerPos


Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer

Correct default values


The ServerPos parameter specifies the position of the Server: label and your server name on the start-up, or splash, screen.

The value of <default> specifies that JADE uses what it recognizes as the correct default values. The parameter value is based on 96 dots per inch (that is, 96 dpi). The splash screen positions are scaled if the user has a different dpi setting.

The first and second integer values (indicating the x and y points) are the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the Server: label in pixels, respectively, relative to the top left corner of the window. The third and fourth integer values (indicating the x2 and y2 points) are the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the server name text in pixels, respectively, relative to the top left corner of the window. This positions the displayed server label and text, which are displayed in the following form.

Server: server-name

The server-name value is obtained from the Server parameter (described earlier in this section) or from the command line if it is specified there.

If your specified positions are not valid or you specify No, the server label and name are not displayed.

Parameter is read when …

The client node is next initialized.